mercredi 11 novembre 2009

industrialized world

The term developed country refers to industrialized countries. In fact, to be considered a developed country , it has to be economically developed. An underdeveloped country suffers from many view point. Mali for example is one of the poorest countries in the world. A few years ago, the cotton industry was one of the biggest commercial enterprises in Mali. Now, industrialization has changed this situation. Big industries have taken over and small countries like Mali have lost their place on the world market. The environmental impacts of industrialization are more serious in underdeveloped countries because they have less resources to change their technology. Natural disasters are often severe( life-threatening) and the government has less money to help people. They have lost a lot of forests and natural resources. This country is suffering from famine, destruction, and displacement of large segments of their populations. The solution that Mali suggests is to change their monoculture. For example, they are trying to export mangoes.

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